Linzie Lindsay Washington State Barrel Racing Incentive on Healthy Critters Radio by BioStar US

Healthy Critters # 168: Barrel Racer Linzie Lindsay, Sun Conures, Equine Gut Relief

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Healthy Critters Radio by Horse Radio Network Ep. 168: Barrel Racer Linzie Lindsay, Sun Conures, Equine Gut Relief On The Go 10-25-22
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In episode 168, we learn about barrel racing from Washington state barrel racing competitor Linzie Lindsay; the Critter of the Show is the Sun Conure (Sun Parakeet); and in Critter Nutrition we focus on Biostar’s new Fast-Acting Gut Support: Hedgerow Pronto.

Listen in!

Guests and Links for Episode 168:

Sun Conure | Healthy Critters Radio by BioStar US
Sun Conure


Linzie Lindsay grew up riding horses in Washington State, and has been winning barrel racing awards since the age of twelve. She tells us about it this week on Healthy Critters Radio — starting with an answer to the question, “Is barrel racing a women-only sport?”

“No, it’s not, but in the professional rodeo scene, which is what most people know of, it appears to be that way because we have an association called the Women’s Professional Rodeo Association, and those are the members you see at rodeos. So, to the general public and to the world, it seems to be a women-only sport. And on the professional level of pro rodeo, it is. But there is so much more going on in barrel racing in general, and it’s for anybody, any age, any gender…it’s a true family sport if you want it to be one.”

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