Healthy Critters #173: What Senior Animals Teach Us, Yeast Probiotics, & Chameleons

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Healthy Critters Radio by Horse Radio Network Ep. 173: Lessons from Senior Animals, Yeast Probiotics, & Chameleons 1-25-23
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In this episode, we discuss what senior horses and dogs teach us; the Critter of the Show is the chameleon; in Critter Nutrition we focus on yeast probiotics; and in Coffee Klatch we ask what character from a children’s book does your horse or dog remind you of?

Listen in!

Guests and Links for Episode 173:

Yeast Probiotics, What Senior Animals Teach Us, & Chameleons | Healthy Critters Radio


Probiotic yeast strains are quite fascinating. While non-yeast probiotics such as Lactobacillus and Bifidum need microencapsulation to survive the harsh environment of the stomach, probiotic yeasts can survive the gauntlet of the digestive system, arriving intact when reaching the colon. The two most common probiotic yeast strains are Saccharomyces boulardii and Saccharomyces cerevisiae:

  • S. boulardii stays viable in the hindgut, where it helps support fiber digestion and maintenance of proper pH which, if altered from its optimal value, can imbalance the gut’s microbial community. Improved fiber digestibility means that older horses can utilize their hay better, hard keepers can gain weight, and high-performance horses benefit from the increase in short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs), which provide as much as 70% of the horse’s energy.
  • S. cerevisiae, commonly known as brewer’s yeast or baker’s yeast, has been instrumental in winemaking, baking and brewing since antiquity. Like S. boulardii, this probiotic strain can improve digestion in horses, helping them better utilize their feed. S. cerevisiae can also improve protein and mineral digestibility.

Because S. boulardii and S. cerevisiae are yeast probiotics — not bacterial probiotics — they are unaffected by antibiotics; you can feed these yeasts during a course of antibiotics without reducing the effectiveness of either…

At Healthy Critters Radio, we are hopeless animal lovers who want to share our experience and knowledge with you, for the betterment of your animals’ lives. We focus on health, nutrition, behavior, and ideas for overall well-being and happiness. Twice a month, we bring you guest experts, advice, commentary, and a lot of fun and laughter! If there is ever a topic you’d like for us to cover, let us know on our contact page!