Episode 139 Healthy Critters Radio Recovery and Comfort

Healthy Critters #139: Getting Your Horse to Drink Water, Recovery & Comfort for Horses

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Healthy Critters Radio by Horse Radio Network Ep 139: Get Your Horse Drinking More Water, Recovery & Comfort for Horses 08-10-2021
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Featuring: Snoop Dogg’s Equestrian Olympic video, encouraging horses to drink more water, understanding inflammation and recovery, and what dog breeds would best represent corporations such as Google and Starbucks.

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Guests and Links for Episode 139:

Co-host Tigger Montague discusses the dynamics of inflammation and recovery in horses:

“Horses are incredible athletes. And like humans, their muscles can become sore and stiff after a training session or a day of competition. As horses age they can develop chronic joint issues like osteoarthritis, requiring supplementation and medication for ease of movement. Exercise increases physiological stress. The biological result is an increase in reactive oxygen species and inflammatory mediators such as cytokines. Both oxidative stress and inflammation can lead to damage of tissues, protein, and cells.

Interestingly enough, the inflammatory response can be transient. Several studies have shown that inflammatory markers in horses after high-intensity exercise begins 30 minutes after exercise and lasts two hours. However, other inflammatory factors such as prostaglandin, and the catabolism of proteoglycan in connective tissue, don’t become elevated until eight hours after exercise.

We know inflammation plays a role in onset muscle soreness. One study showed that 24 hours of rest after exercise brought the inflammatory markers of the horses back to homeostasis. Particularly during competition, when class schedules are not always 24 hours apart, providing 24 hours of rest to a horse can be challenging. On top of this, a competition environment may not provide as much of a relaxing atmosphere as the home barn…”

At Healthy Critters Radio, we are hopeless animal lovers who want to share our experience and knowledge with you, for the betterment of your animals’ lives. We focus on health, nutrition, behavior, and ideas for overall well-being and happiness. Twice a month, we bring you guest experts, advice, commentary, and a lot of fun and laughter! If there is ever a topic you’d like for us to cover, let us know on our contact page!