Arena and Track Footing for Horses | Healthy Critters Radio

Arena Footing and Equine Asthma, the Use of Omeprazole, & MDR-1

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Healthy Critters Radio by Horse Radio Network Ep 104: Track Footing and Equine Asthma, Omeprazole, MDR-1 02-26-2020
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In episode 104 we discuss how latex in arena and track footing may affect equine respiration; we also explore Multidrug Resistance Mutation (MDR-1) and the use of omeprazole for horses with ulcers. Just for fun, we conduct a celebrity pet match

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Guests and Links for Episode 104:

Co-host Tigger Montague breaks down the better and lesser-known effects of omeprazole for horses with ulcers:

Omeprazole is capable of reducing hydrochloric acid in the stomach by up to 99%. While this action is beneficial for healing ulcers in the squamous portion, there are ramifications.

  • Stomach acid is needed by horses to digest proteins.
  • Stomach acid helps create a hostile environment so certain pathogenic bacteria cannot flourish.
  • Stomach acid activates pepsin, an enzyme that breaks protein into amino acids.
  • The suppression of digestive acids by omeprazole affects key mineral absorption of calcium and magnesium.
  • A small digestibility trial by Kentucky Equine Research showed that two weeks of omeprazole administration decreased calcium digestibility by 20% for calcium carbonate, and 15% for marine-derived (seaweed) calcium.
  • Blocking stomach acid for a period of time can cause the body to increase production of stomach acid after omeprazole treatment.  This can lead to heartburn and dyspepsia which help to form new ulcers.
  • A study on omeprazole published in the Journal of Equine Veterinary Science concluded: “Oral administration of omeprazole in healthy equines interfered with the metabolism of digestive biomarkers of lipid, mineral and protein metabolism, although the animals were treated for a maximum of 11 days.  Horses treated with a proton-pump inhibitor need to be evaluated regularly to avoid significant modification in their metabolic parameters.” 

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