Horse trainer

Guest Corner

We feature guest experts on training, nutrition, animal care, medicine, or other relevant topics for critter health.

Breed of the Show

Breed of the Show

Where we discuss the lovable and not as lovable characteristics of special animal breeds, their health issues, and what helps them be the happiest and healthiest they can be.


Ask Hedwig

Queen Hedwig gives her very special advice and insights into life, love, and how great CHEESE is!

Healthy Critters coffee chat

Coffee Klatch

Tigger and Pati discuss current events, health topics, and stories about critters, health, the environment, and whatever else is on their minds!

Feed Bin BioStar Healthy Critters

Critter Nutrition

Advice and suggestions on nutrition, supplements, and feed from our sponsor, BioStar.  An expert in whole food nutrition, BioStar gives honest and authentic advice about the best ingredients for your critters’ health.

Tigger Montague Tiggipedia


Tigger’s encyclopedic mind answers questions on nutrition, behaviors, and other technical mysteries that can help your critter’s health and well-being.